NPM: 21441017

        The x86-64 is an extension of the x86 architecture that includes 64-bit support. The extensions include 64-bit registers, larger address and virtual spaces. X86 or 80X86 is the general name of the microprocessor architecture first developed and produced by Intel. The X86 architecture currently dominates the desktop iasr, iasr iasr, and simple server markets

      This architecture is known as X86 because early processors from the family of architecture had model numbers ending in a sequence of numbers "86" : prosesor 8086, 80186, 80286, 386, and 486.

The x86 architecture first appeared with the 8086 CPU in 1978; The Intel 8086 was a development of the Intel 8080 microprocessor (which was built following the architecture of the 4004 and 8008), and assembly language programs from the 8080 could be mechanically translated into assembly language equivalent programs for the 8086. This architecture was adapted ( with a simpler version of the 8088) three years later as the standard CPU in the IBM PC. The widespread presence of the PC platform has made the x86 architecture the most successful CPU architecture to date. (Another very successful CPU design, building on the 8080 and its instruction-set down to the binary machine-language level, was the Zilog Z80 architecture.)


      Processors with 64-bit architecture are not new technology. Processors on desktop and laptop computers with Windows, Linux or OS AMD Athlon64 was the first 64-bit processor released on the market in 2003. After that, many processors began to appear and continued to operate systems with 64-bit architecture.

Then in 2013 it expanded to mobile devices, where Apple's iPhone 5s became the first smartphone to use a 64-bit processor. A year later Google announced that Android 5.0 Lollipop also supported 64-bit architecture. Until 2015, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), most of the smartphones introduced used 64-bit processors.

 -X86 And X64 Architecture Drawing/Design

Architecture x86

    The x86 architecture is a Complex Instruction Set Computer which can be interpreted as a very complex arrangement of computer instructions with varying levels of instruction length. This architecture stores words in little-endian order.

    Newer processors using the x86 architecture implement multiple decoder steps to break down x86 instructions into micro-operations (small chunks). These instructions are then executed by the architecture using RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) architecture.

-32-bit mode: The x86 architecture operates in 32-bit mode, which means the main registers and memory addresses are 32-bit in size. This limits the amount of physical memory that can be accessed to less than 4 GB.

-Registers: The x86 architecture has a number of common registers used for data processing operations, including EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, and EDI, among others.

-Memory Segmentation: The x86 architecture uses a complex memory segmentation system, which allows the use of multiple memory segments to access data.

Architecture x64

    The x64 architecture is a backward-compatible extension of x86. It provides a new 64-bit mode and an old 32-bit mode, which is identical to x86. The term "x64" includes both AMD 64 and Intel64. The instruction set is almost the same.

-64-bit mode: The X64 architecture allows the use of 64-bit mode which allows applications and operating systems to access more than 4 GB of physical memory.

-64-bit Registers: The x64 architecture has larger general registers (64-bit) than the x86 architecture (32-bit), which increases performance and processing capabilities.

-Support for Legacy Mode: While it supports 64-bit mode, the X64 architecture also allows legacy mode which runs 32-bit applications designed for the x86 architecture.

-Advantages of Each X86 and X64 Architecture

     While x86 and x64 have their advantages, the future will not tolerate limitations, meaning x86 will eventually be rarely used or eliminated altogether. Additionally, x64 is much faster, can allocate more RAM memory, and has parallel processing capabilities over a 64-bit data bus, making it the better choice between the two types of architecture.

    When choosing which type of OS to install, it is best to install a 64-bit OS because it can run both 32-bit and 64-bit software. On the other hand, x86-based OS only runs 32-bit software.

     Overall, x64 is much more capable than x86, utilizing all installed RAM, providing more hard drive space, faster bus speeds, and better overall performance.

-Conclusion The Best Of X86 And X64 Architectures

     So in conclusion x64 is faster in every way. It enables faster transfer speeds, doubles process execution, and supports modern hardware than X86.



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